Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wednesday Session 19th April 2006

The Irish session - back to full strength. The flautist returned from Syria enthusing about whirling dervishes that he saw there. No strangers, no iteinerants. Not that they are not welcome - just sometimes nice to be in the familar and cosy just as at othet times it's nice to have something different. Ah - one member missing - the pipes. There was some swapping of seating arrangements going on too. Maybe because it's spring. Good banter as always, and a question. Is there any other accordianist out there apart from ours who travels with a tea cosy in his case? We think he may be unique.

One of the hot topics at the moment and discussed in every (other) session is how to get rid of the session nuisance. The one with much more neck than talent and actively detracts from any gathering he attends. Yes we have one. There are a few out there and they come in all guises but generally what they have in common is to offend the musicians or cause them to play less well or struggle against what they are doing. Now music should be sympathetic. Adding to the mix if it enhances the overall. I know that's not always true. Sometimes you're learning a tune, sometimes you're just playing along because you know it, but it should be like the Hypocratic Oath -First Do No Harm! Anyway thing may come to a head tonight....

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