Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thursday 5th February 2009

Well dear readers, I'm quite excited by the upturn in the fortunes of the Irish Session. Last night we were invited to try the Chequers in Ash. The landlord and locals were appreciative and quite enthusiastic, the sessioneers turned out in decent numbers and there were unexpected guests.

Without a doubt the session was boosted by both Adrian O' with his stories and songs and Eugene Lambe and Caroline with their fantastic music.

Now isn't it just great to be part of a session that provides a place for talent like that when it is in the area? The music just flew and with great lift and rhythm.

The acoustics are good but the beer's a bit pricey. I don't think anyone is going to whinge about that too much though. What exactly the long term future of the session will be is still uncertain but there are two venues now for Wednesday willing to take us. Maybe we'll share.

Tonight is the Bear of course - the strange and strangely-different-every-week entertainment for the regulars of the aforementioned Inn. Eugene and Caroline will be there again and I hope they get a chance to play. In deference to Eugene, I don't think we should inflict the Bear versions of Irish tunes on him!

There may be a very large jug of water on the table as well. I can't say any more.

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