Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday 22nd October 2007

In the world of sessions, one thing is for sure. No two sessions are ever the same. I think the Irish session will suffer a schism and the two camps will be as I have said in this diary - the sessioneers and the we-like-the-pub-and-having-an-audiencers. We shall see what happens this week but grumpy landlords, poor parking and buy-your-own-drinks are not conducive to having sessions.

The Thursday mixed lumpy was much more subdued, much more of a session and indeed many a splendid tune crept out that hasn't raised its little head above the pub table for some time. Usually it's the Thursday session that has remarkably different fortunes from week to week, but the Wednesday session is coming up on the outside. I must poll the lads and see what's to do.

So, anything could happen this week, for its that kind of thing. I wonder if sessions elsewhere are staid affairs where the same people turn up and sit in the same seats and play the same tunes for week after week after week? It would be nice to think not but a bit of stability would be nice don't you agree?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long time, no see/hear! Paul, from your recent musings, it appeares Ye Olde Beverley is not ideal but if you can let me know on this blog if it is still the place to be, I will be back when shifts allow - about 2-3 weeks I think. It was only my lack of ability that stopped me coming!!
Cheers Jez
ps my ability hasn't changed but I'll try again!