Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday 10th November 2006

Three sessions this week. The Sunday Irish at the Anchor, Faversham was a little more subdued that previous Anchor Sessions, probably due to being out-of-sequence and therefore not having as big an audience as usual. Still very welcoming and a lovely place to play. Adrian the fiddle made an appearance but left early objecting to the loudness of the pipes. Considering that it's the stalwarts that keep the sessions alive so that occasionals have somewhere to drop in for a tune, I don't have a problem with them leaving early, even if they are good players. I also think session players don't much like having their dynamics changed out of all recognition by one player - it's not session etiquette. The good news is that Andy Banjo is on the mend thanks to some mysterious elixir of Rick's about which it's probably best not to enquire too closely. Good stuff though!

Wednesday at the other Anchor was quite normal with some of the troops getting all excited about going to Ennis so no doubt we'll hear all about that when they return and their playing will have been inspired.

Thursday at the Bear is different every single week. I have never been to two the same. This week, we saw the return of Lizzy the keyboards and we were joined by Chris Care and his box. and Bob Kenwood who regaled us with a few of his finest songs including one about Pantos. Excellent stuff! Management speak cropped up somewhere and Chris is busy working out how to play with blue sky synergy outside the box. On the other hand, he always plays outside the box 'cos that's where the buttons are. Excellent sets, crisp endings - we must be practising for something.

The evening degenerated into 'Whiter Shade of Pale' and Bach's Tocata and Fugue on the Roland pretending to be an Organ (and doing a good job) plus mouth organ, melodeon, mandolin and other assorted folk instruments. It didn't finish until gone 11:45 after Bob and I had swapped mandolins and we'd played a few Irish tunes - me on his Fylde and him on my Breedlove.

Still mercifully free of bangy-thumpy-twangy things, hoorah! Mustn't speak too soon - I know they're out there somewhere.............

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