Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday 4th September 2006

The Faversham Hops Festival came and went. I don't know if it was the weather or something else, but it didn't feel as lively as in previous years. The Real Festival Band played acoustically in West Street until rained off.

The evening Irish Session in the Bear had a difficult start - too many bodies in too small a pub. However, when it thinned a bit and we were joined by a stunning guitarist (who doubles as an Angel on a gyro bike) it really took off. Some girls did a fusion of traditional and disco dancing for us, and we had the obligatory drunk who took offence to non-Irish people playing Irish music. Oh well! It rolled on for 3 hours so it can't have been bad. Some of the others decamped to the Belgian session and there was no session at Stelling Minnis on the Sunday.

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